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Guest Post: How to Host a Holiday Party on a Budget

As autumn slips away, it’s time to start thinking about holiday entertaining.  If you’re like most people these days, you don’t have a lot of money to spend on lavish parties. That doesn’t mean you have to forego hosting a celebration; you just need to be creative.  Here are some simple ways to host a holiday party without breaking your budget. 

Plan Ahead

A great way to cut down on the cost of holiday parties is to plan ahead.  That way, you can watch for sales on items you’ll need like groceries and decorations.  Before the snow falls take a walk through the woods and collect pine cones to use in your holiday décor.  If you place them in a plastic bag, add a few drops of cinnamon oil, and close it up for a few days, you’ll have the same sensationally scented pine cones that they sell in party stores.

Creative Invitations

You don’t have to go out and buy fancy invitations.  Send email invitations for free or make simple invitations yourself.  It’s not hard to produce a cutely worded invitation on most home computers.  Add pictures or clip art to personalize, print them out, attach a mini candy cane or sprig of holly, and hand deliver them.  Just mail the ones that are inconvenient to deliver yourself.

Low Cost Decorating

When you’re deciding on decorations, think about what you already have on hand.  Fill a glass bowl with brightly colored ornaments or take clear glass bottles, fill them with water, and add red food dye to some and green to others.  They’ll sparkle beautifully when you set them where they catch the light.  If you have a red or green tablecloth, use it.  Group your candles together for a more impressive display.  Line your food trays with sparkling foil wrapping papers. If you’re missing a few items, do your shopping at the dollar store or thrift stores.

Affordable Food and Beverages

Keep the food simple yet tasty.  In lieu of a sit down dinner, offer a selection of finger foods.  Do-it-yourself buffets are fun, too.  Let your guests make their own tacos or present a variety of fondue dishes.  Don’t be shy, either.  Ask a few people to bring a dish or make it a full blown potluck dinner with each guest contributing something.  Tell guests the party is BYOB and provide mixers like juices and soft drinks, or offer spicy mulled apple cider to your guests.

Think About Timing

If you wait to have your party a couple of days after the holiday, you can take advantage of the post holiday sales.  That way, people will be less busy and stressed, and you’ll get some great bargains on decorations and holiday goodies.

Remember, the purpose of a holiday party is not to show off how much money you can spend, but rather to spend time with your friends and family.  With a little thought and creativity, you can keep your party on a budget and still be a fantastic host.

About the Author: Patty Kleen is a professional writer with a passion for entertainment, communication, and finance. She frequently writes about bad credit loans, money saving techniques, and bankruptcy issues.