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Head and Shoulders Old Spice Giveaway #DFreeDefense

Did you know that wearing helmets & hats can actually cause dandruff? My son Cam plays football and loves to wear hats.

Head & Shoulders with Old Spice is a great solution because it works on the dandruff but has the “cool factor” of Old Spice. Cam loved the scent of the Old Spice and his hair looks so shiny and clean! My husband Walt tried it as well and loved it, now they are both using Head and Shoulders.

We are giving away (1) kit, includes full-size Head and Shoulders Old Spice and high value $2/1 coupons to 1 lucky winner from!


Just fill out this easy Rafflecopter form:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Enter to win two tickets to the NCAA football game of your choice! Just need to post to Instagram, Twitter or  Vocalpoint  with #dfreedefense and a great pic of their best D-FACE!
  1. Snap a pic of your best game face, and write a quick tip on how you talked with your teen about the dandruff. Download your own printable helmet!
  2. Share both with #DFREEDEFENSE on Twitter or Instagram—or upload it here.
  3. Touchdown! You're now officially entered to win NCAA tickets for you and your son. See Official Rules.
This post is sponsored by Vocalpoint and Head & Shoulders. All opinions are my own.