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5 Ways To Create a Stress Free Life

Living with a ton of stress can be debilitating. It can hurt your mental health, physical health, and it can definitely cause a strain on your relationships. No matter who you are or what you do, you could probably find effective ways to reduce the stress in your life. If this sounds interesting to you, here are 5 ways to curate a stress-free life:

Create a general schedule for your day

When you are trying to curate a stress-free life, creating a general schedule for your day is a great place to start. Sometimes, if you do not have a general understanding of what is on your docket for the day, it can add stress to your plate, especially if you forget to do things (or forget a meeting, or a deadline) and you have to race to finish it before the end of the day or race to make it to a meeting without being too late. With a schedule, you go into each day knowing (mostly, at least) what to expect, what you need to do, and how you can best run each day, so that you are productive while also being as stress-free as possible. In your schedule, you should write down everything that you need to do that day (a to-do list, any meetings, etc.).

Add in self-care to that schedule

Once you get your general schedule written down, like meetings and work deadlines, go throughout your schedule and add in self-care. Depending on who you are and what you do on a daily basis, this will look very different from the person sitting next to you, but factoring in self-care and adding it to your daily schedule will make it easy to take care of yourself throughout the day, instead of forgetting to eat lunch, not having time to work out, or being too exhausting to do your nightly wind-down routine at the end of the day. However you want to add self-care works, but a few ideas that you could add in are: walking or doing a workout during your lunch break, having a nutritious breakfast while sitting outside (soaking in Vitamin D) before you leave in the morning, dry brushing before your shower, and taking 30 minutes to wind down with a book and a warm bath at night. Obviously, these are just ideas, so take what you need and figure out a time that you can add it into your daily schedule. 

Don’t overschedule your weekends

Overscheduling a weekend is a sure way to add stress into your life, but when you leave most (or part) of your weekend open, it gives you an opportunity to rest, recharge, de-stress, and prepare for another busy week that is around the corner. If you want to curate a stress-free life, do not overschedule your weekend. That is an essential tip that you need to make sure you are doing! 

Get stress support from experts

If you are struggling with stress and cannot figure out a plan that works for you, consider getting stress support from experts. This could mean going in for a massage, getting chiropractic, considering acupuncture, hiring a personal trainer, or going to Pure Hypnosis | Sean Wheeler. Sean is a top Atlanta hypnotist that uses proven methods to solve your problems permanently. He can help with fears and phobias, relationship issues, weight loss, and so much more. If you are struggling with anxiety, stress, and more, reach out to see how he can help! 

Focus on nutrition 

Last but not least, focus on nutrition. This means: taking care of yourself in the form of eating healthy foods, getting enough water, and maybe considering extra supplements to aid in stress reduction. For example, adaptogens can help with stress, as can magnesium, and a lot of people are very deficient in magnesium. Find what works for you and just make sure to add it in and stick with it.