Easy Way to Help: Donate Free $50 Pet Care Kits

I have 3 cats, Breezie, Coco and Pookie (pictured left). I am always looking for ways to help animals, whether it is donating pet food, money or participating in online campaigns.

So when I heard about the emBARK on Pet Health campaign, I knew I had to tell you all about it! It is so easy and quick to pledge, and each pledge equals the donation of a pet health kit worth $50 to participating animal shelters across the country.

Just go here, click the paw print where it says “click to pledge,” and enter your email address/city/state in the box. Plus you will receive an e-mailed coupon for $3 off a Sergeant’s or Sentry purchase.

You don’t have to be a pet owner to pledge, and you can pledge more than once. We’re trying to help the Sergeant’s team get 5,000 pledges and we would love your help!!!


This is a sponsored post with The Motherhood and Sergeant’s.  Opinions are my own.