Valentine Party Crackers

This is such a clever gift! Find out how to make these:


* printable cracker templates - get yours here!

* cutting mat

* x-acto knife

* tape or glue

* red tissue paper

* Valentine candy like Hershey kisses to fill the crackers

* ribbon or twine


1) Print your cracker templates as instructed, and cut using your x-acto knife.

2) Lay the cracker patterned side onto the table, and place a cracker snap in the center, if using.

3) Roll the cracker up to form a tube, and secure with tape or glue.

4) Tie one end of the crackers with pretty ribbon or twine, and fill with your gifts.

5) Tie the other end and you're done!


Mini Heart Pop Tarts


  1. Using premade pie dough crust (or homemade if you would preferred) roll out the pie dough into a large thin disk using a little flour on the top and bottom of the dough disk to prevent sticking.
  2. Cut out mini heart shapes using a cookie cutter. You can also cut into small squares if you don’t have a heart shaped cookie cutter.
  3. Place the bottom layer heart dough shapes on a lined cookie sheet. Mix the strawberry jam and chopped strawberries together in a bowl. Spoon small amounts of the strawberry filling onto each dough shape.
  4. Place another heart dough layer on the top and seal both layers + filling together by pressing down on the edges using a fork.
  5. Bake at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes until edges are golden brown. Remove and let cool.
  6. While the pop tarts are cooling mix the creamy honey with 1 drop of red food coloring until you make a light pink frosting mixture.
  7. Spread on top of the mini pop tarts and serve warm!

Makes 1 dozen.

Source: Sweet Little Peanut for Building Blocks.