DIY Glitter Ornaments

Here's what you'll need to make your own glitter ornaments:

To make the ornaments:

1. Take off the hangers from the ornament
2. Squirt some floor wax in the ornament and roll or swirl it around.
3. Take the cap off of the floor shine and stick the ornament upside down on it so the extra drains back in.
4. Pour a generous amount of glitter into the ornament through a funnel.
5. Roll the ornament around so the glitter coats the inside.
6. Put your thumb over the opening and shake the ornament, making sure glitter coats the neck and any other bare spots.
7. Take the lid off of the glitter container and turn the ornament upside down on it so the loose glitter can empty back in the glitter container.
8. Put the toppers back on the ornaments.