Daylight and Dollar Savings Time!

Remember to set your clocks ahead 1 hour today. We lose an hour of sleep, but gain more sunshine with spring here! Here are the deals in Sunday's paper and more:

Mark these dates on your calendar:

1.Ben & Jerry's FREE CONE DAY Tuesday, April 19, 2005
From Noon until 8 p.m.

2.Coldstone Creamery freebies, April 25th, from 5:00 - 8:00pm, guests will be treated to a slice of “Make-A-Wish Cake.” In exchange for the free cake slice, customers are encouraged to make donations to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation.


- Copy your tax returns for free at Staples, until April 15, 2005.
- Check your Target ad for $10 pharmacy coupon- 4/19/05
- Purchase $100+ of Dockers at JcPenney by April 9, and receive a free XM Delphi Roady2 Satellite Radio and 3 months of service for free. Check your ad for more details.

-Buy a Febreze Scentstories and receive a free Shania Twain t-shirt by mail
-Purchase Pampers Jumbo pack and wipes and get $3 Extra Bucks
- Buy $17.99+ of Claritin products and receive $5 Extrabucks