Allure Beauty Box, New Freebies, more

Hi! I haven't blogged in a week and I have some new stuff to catch you up on. We had a good weekend, enjoying the nice weather! Also, taking advantage of the Giant Eagle Ragu sale (99¢ a jar- 25¢ doubled coupon= 50¢ per jar), which ends today!

The Star Wars movie opens today! At Burger King, they have Star Wars toys in their kid's meals, plus an instant win scratch off game. Speaking of entertainment, I can't believe Lost will be over for the season pretty soon. I've gotten very hooked on this show!

Here's the latest deals!

Buy Shrek2 on DVD and get a free movie ticket to "Madagascar"

Order your Allure Beauty box! Everyone who has gotten one in the past raves about it!

Free Beach ball from Garanimals

Free $10 Cash card when you sign up for a Costco membership

Free Color Solutions journal, when you spend $60+ on Behr products- 5/25/05

Woolite Satisfaction Guarantee Offer- 7/31/05