Mid-Week Update

I am starting to look forward to fall, even though it's still the middle of August! I made corn bread the other day, one of those treats I associate with fall and my husband is going to make chili this week, one of his favorite fall foods. And if you like pumpkin, you have to try Pumpkin Crunch Cake. It is my absolute favorite cake. And speaking of fall and back to school, I read that Target may be clearancing school supplies as early as the end of August. I'm not sure if every Target is different and they go by the school calendar, but it's worth checking out for cheap school supplies!

Here's more:

Free Huggies PullUps to Go Success Guide

Energizer Lithium battery guarantee- 6/30/07

Taster's Choice coffee sample pack

Cool freebie for kids!--This awesome FREE educational kit ends Sept.1. I just ordered mine and they didn't require a credit card number. Click the banner below to get your freebie!

Free Gifts for your child

New! Old Navy instant win game

Omaha Steaks printable coupons- 8/27/06

Free sandwich taker w/ s/h, receipt and 2 upcs- 2/28/07

If you suffer from seasonal allergies and treat with Allegra or Allegra D, we have a special money saving offer from Qualityhealth.com. (US only) Click Here

New! Walmart free sample, Poise panty

Purina® Kittenwise

Savings on school supplies!

BIC mechanical pencils, $1 off

BIC wite out, $1 off

BIC pens, $1 off