Free Kissables at Target, Lots More

I finally got out to Target today and there were a few things left, but not much. So if you haven't gotten to the 75% off, get there today. I got some good things. All the really good stuff (containers, inflatables, ornaments, etc.) were long gone. I checked out the food section and there were some food, in holiday packaging, but it was marked a different price and was not 75% off. Very annoying. I remember a few years ago, holiday packaged food was included in the holiday clearance.

But here's a Hot Deal!!! Free Hershey's Kissables at Target! Print the coupon from this page and they are currently 75%, 69¢ a bag. There was a whole bunch at my Target and I'm sure at other Targets too!!

And if you are shopping around to other grocery and drug stores, get there in the next couple days. Stores get pretty anxious to clear out holiday merchandise and it will be completely disappearing from stores very soon.