News: New CVS Coupon Policy

CVS has released a corporate coupon policy today that is available to print from their website. You’ll want to print this and bring it with you when you shop in case there is confusion as to the CVS corporate coupon policy.

Some key points, as pointed out by Couponing to Disney:

    * In the event that any item’s price is less than the value of the coupon, CVS/pharmacy will accept the coupon only to the price of the item. CVS/pharmacy does not provide cash back in exchange for any coupons.
    * The coupon amount will be reduced if it exceeds the value of the item after other discounts or coupons are applied. (For example, a $5.00 coupon for a $4.99 item will result in a $4.99 coupon value).
    * CVS/pharmacy accepts one third-party manufacturer coupon and applicable CVS/pharmacy coupon(s) for the purchase of a single item, unless prohibited by either coupon offer.
    * CVS/pharmacy accepts valid internet/print at home coupons containing a barcode.