Smart Holiday Shopping 101

Our job this holiday season is to help you become a smart shopper.  Buying gift cards is always a safe bet when you don’t know what to get them. But what if you already have their holiday list? How do you shop smart? Gift Card Mall makes it easy at your local grocery store.

Let’s say your son is begging for the latest Call Of Duty. You’re probably going to Best Buy. Or your daughter really wants a sweater from Macy’s. Here’s how you get an A+ in smart shopping this season: BEFORE you buy those gifts, go to your local grocery store and purchase a Best Buy or Macy’s gift card and earn yourself things like cash rewards, bonus fuel points and other shopper perks through your local supermarket’s loyalty programs. THEN hit the mall use your new gift cards to do your shopping. 

That’s smart gifting 101, and you can apply to pretty much every gift-shopping destination imaginable.  Check out our handy brand partner page to see your retailer options and plan your trip.