Clever Ways to Have a Budget Friendly Christmas

Stretched this year financially? Here are some easy ways to make Christmas happen this year!

1.  Clutter= Cash

What do you have that you no longer use that you can sell? Whether it is toys, books, clothing, kitchen stuff, put the word out with your friends and family, and on Facebook, you have lots of great stuff for sale. Also, if you have gift cards you aren't going to use, is a good site.

2.  Cash out your points with Point Programs

I collect points through-out the year for points. Here are my favorite programs!


When my husband purchases electronics, he tends to go to Best Buy (though sometimes other stores are cheaper). We've gotten a few $10 gift cards, though it takes awhile to earn them. And they've changed their program recently, such as if you don't make a purchase, points are lost, etc. But overall, a good program.


This program has a lot of good rewards, such as Disney related items, such as movies, toys, etc. You can earn points from buying Disney dvds, going to the movies and more. Also, check out their Facebook page. Sometimes they send out bonus points to Facebook fans.


Makes it very easy to earn cash (and sometimes double cash) over online shopping. Sign up here! Plus get a FREE $10 Gift card to Target and more!


Save up those Huggies points from diapers, wipes and more and cash in for gift cards or sweepstakes entries! I won a $25 gift card a few years ago from their online sweeps.


Love cereal? Save up those points from Kellogg's cereal, Pop Tarts, and more and enter them to win prizes and other Kellogg's themed merchandise! 


I shop through their web site all the time and have cashed in points for gift cards. Click on the mypoints link above to sign up (completely free!)


This is one of my favorite programs, because we love Coke products in our house (especially Diet Coke) and the points do add up quickly. I've cashed in for free movie rentals, cases of Diet Coke, gift cards and more.


Get rewarded by being loyal to Pampers! Enter in codes from their diapers, wipes and more and cash in for Shutterfly rewards, gift cards, magazines and more. Sign up here! 


We go to the movies about once a month and the points add up over time. We've gotten a free movie ticket, free drinks and free popcorn. The coupons print at the ticket window.


Allows you to accumulate points ("kicks") just for visiting many of the nation's top retailers, like Macy's, Old Navy, and Best Buy. Scanning items on your smartphone and making purchases can earn you even more points. Points can be redeemed for gift cards at your favorite stores. Sign up here.


We love Stouffer's frozen meals and I recently started collecting the points. They offer lots of rewards, including free Redbox rentals, free Stouffer's meals, free Fandango movie tickets and more.


Allows you to earn money towards college on your everyday spending at more than 800 online stores and thousands of supermarkets, drug stores, and restaurants. Members simply register their credit card to a Upromise account to earn 1%-25% cash back on qualified purchases. You can choose to invest your earnings in a savings account or 529 plan, or use your funds to pay down a student loan or other college expenses

3.  Target Coupon Stacking

Did you know you can stack Target printable coupons, mobile coupons, Cartwheel coupons AND manufacturer's coupons?? Combine all this with a sale and you can get nearly free and free products. Go to our Target page for all the latest coupons and more.

4.  Trade in Books, Toys and More for Cash

Books a Million and children’s consignment stores pay cash upfront for books, toys and more. I've brought in big bins of books, video games and more and earned some money.

5.  Free Samples= Gift Baskets

Sign up for free samples through-out the year and store them in a box. For example this year I have gotten free samples of coffee, Betty Crocker baking products, Pillsbury products, beauty freebies from P&G, and more. From these, I could make a beauty basket or a coffee and treats basket. Sign up for our newsletter so you don't miss out! is another great source for freebies right to your door!

6. Search Pinterest For Ideas

I love Pinterest as many of you know. I have collected 800+ ideas that make perfect homemade gifts.

7. Free Coupons- Free Gifts

For the past few years, Hallmark has offered an awesome $5 coupon. I have stocked up on little stocking stuffers, wrapping paper and more. Keep an eye on your favorite magazines, especially All You, Redbook and Real Simple for in magazine coupons.

Plus, just for Savingsmania readers, sign up for a FREE $5 Amazon gift card!