Black and Decker Pinterest Sweeps

Create and submit a board containing a collection of projects you've Pinned, but never quite followed through with. Think about it, how many of you have Pinned Pins that sit on a board waiting to be put to use, but never see the light of day again? That one project looked SO cool and totally easy – but somehow something always gets in the way.  Sound familiar?

How to Enter

  1. Create a Pinterest Board on your account, name it "Stop Making Excuses"
  2. Add Pins that you've always want to try, but haven't! 
  3. Submit board URL at bottom of this page.

For complete entry guidelines & official contest rules click here.  Keep the following in mind...

  • Must add at least 10 Pins to board
  • Must include #stopmakingexcuses #pintowin #blackanddecker in each pin descriptionand board description (hashtags are easy to copy & paste!)
  • Have fun with it! Use your descriptions to tell us your story of your forgotten projects (in other words, why you deserve to win this contest!) 

Get started here, good luck!