Whole Foods App Coupons

Whole Foods

Download the free Whole Foods Market App (available on iTunes and Google Play) to receive exclusive digital coupons, local sales information and more. To use these coupons at checkout, just have the cashier scan your barcode in the app.

NEW In-App Coupons:

* $5 off $20+ purchase of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables (exp. 8/2)
* $2/1 Wellshire Farms 8oz Paleo Bacon (exp. 8/3)
* $2/1 Saffron Road Snack, Appetizer, Entree or Sauce (exp. 7/26)
* $1/1 any Seventh Generation 22 or 25oz Dish Liquid (exp. 7/26)
*  $1/1 Tom’s of Maine Deodorant (exp. 7/26)
* $1.50/1 Applegate Organic Hot Dogs (exp. 7/26)