Our Haven Mattress Review

Haven recently contacted me to review the Haven bed. Cam needed a new bed so this was the perfect opportunity to try it! Haven Mattresses

The features include:

  1. Talalay latex mattress
  2. Sleep by Haven mattress
  3. Gel-infused mattress
  4. Non-allergenic mattress
  5. FREE mattress delivery

For years, we have bought beds the traditional way. Go to the furniture store, try out different mattresses, then wait two weeks for delivery. It was such a hassle!

But now, Haven has made it so easy to order this bed and set up was a snap! Here is how it worked out for us:

We selected the full size bed. It arrived in two big boxes to our door.

Cam likes to put things together, so he brought the boxes into his room and got to work. First, he assembled the frame, which did not require any tools. It really was easy to put together.

Next, he laid down the support base.

The mattress was next. The best way to describe the packaging would be shrink-wrapped. As he carefully removed the plastic, it puffed up and filled out.

All done. Pookie gives it two paws up!

Cam and Abby hanging out. The first thing Cam did after trying it out was put on his new sheet set and comforter.

I am definitely recommending to my family and friends about this mattress and encouraging them to check it out. This is the most convenient way to order a high quality, comfortable bed!

Disclaimer: I received a free mattress from Haven in exchange for writing a review on the blog.