News: Giant Eagle Coupon Policy Update

Giant Eagle's new coupon policy went into effect last week.  You can read the full policy; the most important changes are listed below.  It seems their attempt at clarification only served to create more questions.

  • One coupon per item(s) purchased as stated on the coupon with a maximum of 12 coupons per same 12 items purchased in a 24-hour period per Giant Eagle Advantage Card® customer.
  • Stacking (combining electronic and paper coupons) of manufacturers’ coupons is prohibited.
  • If you forget to use your coupons at the time of purchase, we will accept them with your receipt and Giant Eagle Advantage Card® up to 10 days beyond the date on the receipt.
  • Coupon value cannot exceed the price of the item(s) purchased. If it does, we can only redeem up to the value of the item(s) purchased. (Excluding sales tax) (NO OVERAGES WILL BE GIVEN)
  • INTERNET PRINTABLES:  A maximum of two “like” coupons will be accepted.

Obviously there needs to be some clarification on some of the wording, but until we can get some clarification from Giant Eagle, we are taking everything here at face value, and will be posting deals accordingly.

Source: Saving In Akron